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Exhibition “Biopaintings”, night of international researchers, Knowledge Pavilion, Lisbon.


Individual exhibition: “Memory Fragments -Ruins”, sculpture and photography. Fábrica-braço-prata, Lisboa.



Participation:  10º International Audiovisual Festival, Corfu, presentation of two “time-lapse” movies: “bloody   Mary” and “Nature`s betrayal”.

Communication and article: “Fungi decay as an art form”, art&science international congress (Taboo-          Transgression-Transcendence, art and biology pp272-276), Corfu, Greece. Funded by ITQB-Nova.

Article “Biopaintings produced by filamentous fungi”. Leonardo, vol. 49, nº1, 216, MIT press,2016. DOI 10.1162/LEON_a_00962.


Individual exhibition: “Biopaintings” at “Ciência Viva”, Sintra.

Communication “Filamentous fungi Biopaintings” at the International conferences: Arts and Science in Dialogue, Oporto. Ed. green lines institute for sustainable development, 239-243 pp. DOI:10.14575/gl/ac2015.


Book chapter. META-LIFE. Biotechnologies, Synthetic Biology, A-Life and the Arts. Annick Bureaud, Roger Malina & Louise Whiteley (Eds.), Leonardo/ISAST, MIT Press, Leonardo ebook series, Kindle Edition, July 2014, ISBN: 0024-094X. Patricia Noronha, “Yeast Biopaintings: Biofilms as an Artistic Instrument”, 2011, Chap. 3.2.7 (Bioart-Creations)

Individual exhibition at ITQB day. Retrospective of the last three years work. Presentation of the installation “Universus” formed by filamentous fungi biopaintings.


Art and science interactive workshop at Knowledge Pavilion (formation in real time of colored protein crystals), Lisbon.

Individual exhibition “Life is Art”, objects and a movie constructed from filamentous fungi growth, Urban Science”, Lisbon.


Article “yeast biopaintings: biofilms as an art instrument”, 44:1 Leonardo DOI: 10.1162/LEON_a_00091 , 2011, MIT press.


Individual exhibition “LiveversusStill Biopaintings”, integrated in the year of biodiversity, Faculty of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon, Monte da Caparica.

Lecture “Use of microbiologic biofilms as an artistic instrument” to the PhD painting course at Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon.

Seminar “Use of yeast biofilms as an art instrument”, CBAA center, Superior Agronomic Institute, Technical University of Lisbon.


Collective exhibition “Art after Science” at Robotarium Gallery, Lisbon. Among the participants were Leonel Moura, Eduardo Kac and Susanne Anker.

Art/Science workshop and debate at Modern Art Center Manuel de Brito.

Photographic works for the Portuguese Microbiology Society.


Site specific installation with biofilms “World (s) 0 – Reinvention” at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Gardens, Lisbon.

Seminar “Use of yeast biofilms as an art instrument”, Technical Superior Institute, Technical University of Lisbon.

Art/Science workshop and lecture “Art/Science intersections from the high renascence until our days”, ITQB, Oeiras.


Individual exhibition “Biocontrol/uncontrol”, municipal library,   “Oeiras”.


Collective exhibition in the Knowledge pavillion, Lisbon July-Oct. Presentation of the project “Different ways to look to scientific objects”.

Back cover of ITQB annual report with a photograph of a painting.

Back cover of ITQB annual report with a photograph of a painting.

Seminar “Different ways to look to scientific objects” at ITQB.             

Individual exhibition “Biocontrol/uncontrol I” at “biblioteca   municipal de Oeiras.

Final exhibition at “pavilhão do conhecimento” of the resident projects organized by “Instituto das Artes” e “Ciência Viva”, Lisbon.

Seminar “Different ways to see scientific objects” at FNAC.

Individual exhibition “Traces” in Fábrica do braço de prata, Lisbon.

Back cover of ITQB annual report with a photograph of an object.


Article “Dimensions of creativity: Art and Science”. ITQB News.

Back cover of ITQB annual report with a photograph of a painting.

Seminar “Different ways to see scientific objects” at ITQB. 

Individual exhibition “Cells” in ViniPortugal, Terreiro do Paço,  Lisbon.

Individual exhibition “Mixed Cultures” in Matos Ferreira Gallery, Lisbon.

Article publication “Science and visual arts”, review “on line” from FCT, “Universidade Nova de Lisboa”.


Individual exhibition “Codes” in “Upper-Ground” Space, Lisbon.


Individual exhibition “Fractures” in Pirâmide Gallery, Lisbon.


Individual exhibition “Art-Science” in Municipal Gallery, Lagar do Azeite, Oeiras.

Individual exhibition “Universes” in Pirâmide Gallery, Lisbon.

Collective exhibition in Quinta de St. António Gallery, Aveiro.

Collective exhibition in Castel Galery, Porto de Mós.

Collective exhibition in Municipal Gallery from “Solar da Praça de Santa Maria”, Óbidos.



Individual exhibition “Botânical Fragments” in Pirâmide Gallery, Lisbon.


Collective exhibition in Pedro Falcão and Yaurub Foundation, Cascais.

Collective exhibition in Escada 4 Gallery, Cascais.


Individual exhibition in Clube 50, Lisbon.

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