Patrícia Noronha, was born in Lisbon, 1965. Graduated in Animal Science by Universidade de Évora (1991). Master in Food Science and Technology by Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (1995) and PhD in Molecular Biology by Instituto of Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB) from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2002). Several scientific research articles were published in international peer review journals.
From 2001-2005 she was Professor of Parasitology in the course of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences, Piaget Institute.
In that same period, she exposed paintings, collages and objects originated from her conceptual art work, the interface between art and science. The resulted art projects are no longer science but the result of her appropriation and manipulation of scientific theories, materials and procedures.
In 2006 she worked in the art-science project “Different ways to see scientific objects”, with the sponsorship of “Instituto das Artes” and “Ciência Viva”. This work was developed at ITQB in an art residence.
In her bioart projects she created “biopaintings” (branded for the first time in 2011 yeast biopaintings: biofilms as an art instrument”, 44:1 Leonardo doi: 10.1162/LEON_a_00091, 2011, MIT press), and bio art short movies. The produced art objects, images and movies were published and exposed in private and institutional galleries.
From 2008 to 2014 she was a resident artist at ITQB, with an FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) post-doc grant in artistic studies exploring the use of microorganisms as an art instrument.
In her bioart projects she created “biopaintings” (branded for the first time in 2011 yeast biopaintings: biofilms as an art instrument”, 44:1 Leonardo doi: 10.1162/LEON_a_00091, 2011, MIT press), and bio art short movies. The produced art objects, images and movies were published and exposed in private and institutional galleries.
She completed two post-doctoral studies in artistic studies in the field of the intersection of art and science. During this period, Patrícia held various exhibitions, including one where she presented a time-lapse film at a congress in Greece, and published two articles in the MIT journal Leonardo.
Since then, the artist has been working in her studio, developing artistic objects and paintings. In her latest works, we can clearly see the connection between art and nature.